#Thought leadership

Join the world's leading companies at Technology Conference


Proč nám hodinová sazba brání v rozvoji byznysu

Dozvíte se, proč hodinovka není ta nejlepší cesta v naceňování. Dominika představí alternativy, které vám přinesou větší zisky. Třeba nastavení balíčků služeb.

18:30 - 19:30 -

Registration & Breakfast

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing

08:30 - 09:30 AM Room 206

Speech: Marketing Matters!

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020

09:30 - 12:30 PM Room 204

Lunch Break

We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event

12:30 - 02:00 PM Room 202

Speech: Cultures of Creativity

We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly

02:00 - 05:00 PM Room 204

Registration & Breakfast

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing

08:30 - 09:30 AM Room 206

Spech: Marketing Matters!

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020

09:30 - 12:30 PM Room 204

Lunch Break

We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event

12:30 - 02:00 PM Room 202

Spech: Cultures of Creativity

We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly

02:00 - 05:00 PM Room 204

Conference Schedule

Proč nám hodinová sazba brání v rozvoji byznysu

Dozvíte se, proč hodinovka není ta nejlepší cesta v naceňování. Dominika představí alternativy, které vám přinesou větší zisky. Třeba nastavení balíčků služeb.

18:30 - 19:30 -

Registration & Breakfast

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing

08:30 - 09:30 AM Room 206

Speech: Marketing Matters!

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020

09:30 - 12:30 PM Room 204

Lunch Break

We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event

12:30 - 02:00 PM Room 202

Speech: Cultures of Creativity

We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly

02:00 - 05:00 PM Room 204

Registration & Breakfast

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing

08:30 - 09:30 AM Room 206

Spech: Marketing Matters!

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020

09:30 - 12:30 PM Room 204

Lunch Break

We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event

12:30 - 02:00 PM Room 202

Spech: Cultures of Creativity

We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly

02:00 - 05:00 PM Room 204


#Let’s do it hurry

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