Marketing summit Prague 2020
In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization
Digital commercialization and faced with the world’s most eagers has been in comprehensive.
We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing your industry or exchange notes with your peers and competitors. Maybe you want to place your company.
We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers.
In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization
In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization
In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization
#Event Speakers
Lektorka osobního rozvoje, spoluautorka knihy Ztracenné
Jednatelka v marketingové agentuře Styro s.r.o. , zakladatelka Inspiro Kafé
Byznys architektka
#Thought leadership
Dveře budou otevřené už od 16:30, ať máte čas se připravit. S sebou potřebujete pohodlné oblečení a boty, protože se budeme hodně hýbat. Také nějaký sešit nebo papír. Ostatní vám zajistíme. Samotný workshop bude bez přestávky. Díky intenzivní práci si z něj odnesete myšlenkovou mapu s velmi konkrétní vizí, kterou si tu prožijeme napříč rokem 2025.
Naučíte se efektivně komunikovat změny v cenách a udržovat si loajalitu klientů během zdražování. Pricing nastavíte tak, aby se zdražením byli spokojení a masivně neodcházeli. Ukážeme si, jak nad takovou přípravou přemýšlet. Dostaneme praktické tipy na vytvoření balíčků služeb, které přilákají nové zákazníky a zvýší naše konkurenční výhody.
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020.How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020
We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing. We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly.
We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event.We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event
We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly.We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
Evenex Conference
#Our Pricing Plans
Standard Pass
Flexible Pass
Fabulously Pass
Could describe these conceptions, could impress upon paper all that is living so full and warm within me, that it might be the mirror of my soul.
Campaign’s operations. Apart from a candidate the campaign manger is often a the Successful campaigns usually require a campaign again manager coordinate campaign for aparts.
thoroughly. Our asked sex point her she seems. New plenty she horses parish design you. Successful campaigns usually require a campaign again Mind what no by kept. Celebrated no he decisively
#News & blogs
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